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SuperStar Agency 

This is a personal project, I have created this logo using Photoshop, I created this branding logo for entertainment agencies, the purpose is to attract more people to create a good personal image, train new people, promote company products and features


This logo is inspired by the stars in the sky. To make a logo for creating public figures, this logo is designed for brokerage companies. Overlapping stars means the company will produce more superstars. And blue represents mystery and nobility.

This is a design I made using the designed logo that can be used in various places, on billboards, on websites, and on blogs. The blue background is chosen because it is in line with the company theme, and adding the company name will make people more clearly aware of the company's services.

Pink and black Nail studio logo.png
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This is a business card made with the company logo. Business cards are the fastest and most effective way for new friends to get to know each other and introduce themselves. The exchange of business cards is the first standard official action in business communication. Therefore, the design of business cards should be simple and clear, allowing cooperation Partners can find the point at once.

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